Analisa Debit Menggunakan Metode FJ. Mock Untuk Perhitungan Neraca Air Di Sub DAS Konto Hulu


  • Riska Wulan Juni Brawijaya University
  • Lily Montarcih Limantara Brawijaya University
  • Dian Chandrasasi Brawijaya University


ABSTRAK: Kajian neraca air pada Sub DAS Konto Hulu dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi ketersediaan air dan penggunaannya dalam kebutuhan air multisektor. Curah hujan dikonversikan menjadi debit menggunakan metode FJ. Mock kemudian dibandingkan dengan debit pengamatan serta dikalibrasi menggunakan metode Kesalahan Relatif (KR), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), dan Koefisien Korelasi (R). Potensi ketersediaan air dihitung berdasarkan debit andalan 80% menggunakan metode probabilitas Weibull dengan hasil sebesar 22.41 m3/det setara 706.622 juta m3/tahun. Besarnya kebutuhan air dalam jangka waktu 25 tahun pada skenario 1 (dihitung berdasarkan data dan meningkat sesuai laju pertumbuhan) sebesar 95.090 juta m3/tahun, sedangkan pada skenario 2 (berdasarkan asumsi domestik, non domestik, industri mengalami peningkatan sedangkan perikanan, pertanian, dan peternakan konstan) sebesar 93.419 juta m3/tahun. Hasil analisa nneraca air menunjukkan bahwa potensi ketersediaan air dapat mencukupi seluruh kebutuhan air atau menunjukkan keadaan surplus sampai 25 tahun (2017-2042) mendatang.

Kata kunci: Sub DAS Konto Hulu, metode FJ. Mock, ketersediaan air, kebutuhan air, neraca air.


ABSTRACT: The water balance study in the Upper Konto sub-watershed was carried out to determine the potential for water availability and its use in the multisector water needs. The rainfall is converted into discharge using the FJ. Mock method then compared by the observation discharge and calibrated using the Relative Error (KR) method, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), and Correlation Coefficient (R). The potential for water availability is calculated based on 80% mainstay discharge using the Weibull probability method with a amount of 22.41 m3/sec equivalent to 706.622 million m3/year. The amount of water demand within a period of 25 years in scenario 1 (calculated based on data and increasing according to the growth rate) is 95.090 million m3/year, while in scenario 2 (based on assumption that domestic, non domestic, industry has increased while fishery, agriculture, livestock are constant) is 93.419 million m3/year. The results of the water balance analysis show that the potential for water availability sufficient all multisector water needs in or indication a surplus condition until 25 years (2017-2042) later.

Keywords: Upper Konto sub-watershed, FJ. Mock method, water availability, water need, water balance.





