
  • Deskasari Triyani Putri Brawijaya University
  • Rini Wahyu Sayekti Brawijaya University
  • Very Dermawan Brawijaya University


ABSTRAK: Pada saluran sekunder Kebonsari pada Jaringan Irigasi Tekung Kabupaten Lumajang memiliki permasalahan perbedaan debit air yang tersedia dengan debit air yang diperlukan, sehingga diperlukan perhitungan besarnya kehilangan air selama proses pengaliran. Dari kehilangan air maka diketahui besarnya efisiensi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan efisiensi saluran irigasi dilakukan pemilihan tindakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi tersebut. Pengukuran yang dilakukan mengukur kecepatan dengan current meter tipe C2.10’150, menghitung kehilangan debit yang terjadi berdasarkan perbedaan debit antar dua patok, besarnya efisiensi pengaliran, penilaian terhadap kondisi saluran, pemilihan upaya peningkatan dan perhitungan rencana anggaran biaya. Dari Hasil analisa pada studi ini diperoleh debit hulu pada pintu intake saluran Sekunder Kebonsari sebesar 1,628 m3/dt dan debit hilir tersisa 0, 201 m3/dt. Besarnya kehilangan debit dengan total 0,604 m3/dt sedangkan nilai efisiensi rerata 85,006%, nilai kondisi fisik dan fungsional saluran dengan rerata 83,25%, serta perbaikan, total biaya yang diperlukan Rp. 284,732,800.00.

Kata Kunci: Efisiensi, Kondisi saluran, Biaya.


ABSTRACT: The problem at Kebonsari secondary channel of Tekung irrigation, Lumajang Regency is the difference between the availability with the required discharge, thus the calculation for the amount of water loss during the distribution process. The efficiency value can be discovered from the loss of water discharge. The action was conducted to improve the channel’s efficiency based on the calculation from the efficiency of irrigation channel. The measurement was measure flow velocity with current meter C2.10’150 type, to calculate the loss of discharge that occured in the channel, to determine the amount of  efficiency, to assess of channel conditions, to selection improvement efforts, and the calculate of the budget plan. The results of this study were the upstream discharge at Kebonsari Secondary intake channel was 1,628 m3/s and the remain downstream discharge was 0, 201 m3/s. The amount of discharge loss was 0,604 m3/s, the average value for efficiency was 85,006%, the average physical and functional condition channel was 83,25%, and total cost needed was Rp 284,732,800.00.

Keywords: Efficiency, Channel Conditions, Costs.

Author Biographies

Deskasari Triyani Putri, Brawijaya University

Water Resources Engineering Departement

Rini Wahyu Sayekti, Brawijaya University

Water Resources Engineering Departement

Very Dermawan, Brawijaya University

Water Resources Engineering Departement





